Devotions for the Dying

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Devotion for the Dying

Holy hour of Devotion for the Dying

The reality of life is that we will all face death at some point and thinking about the end of an earthly existence and a glorious heavenly eternity may help us to live each day as though it may be our last.  Praying the prayers contained in the  Holy hour of Devotion for the Dying may bring peace to you, those near death, or an unknown soul who needs to know Jesus.  Christ promises that death does not have the final say; His victory over death brings peace to all.

Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.



Words of Comfort

When a family member or a dear friend comes to the end of this earthly life, it can be very difficult to find the right words to share with them.  Utilizing the prayers in this book we call upon God to give us the grace to open our hearts to do His Will and help our brothers and sisters feel our Lord’s Mercy and Peace as they bridge to eternal life.


This tri-fold prayer card contains a prayer for mercy for those who may commit suicide this day, a prayer for those who lost a loved one by suicide and meditations and a prayer for those contemplating suicide.


Prayer Cards

  Prayer Packet


Prayer Cards can be ordered separately 

Seven Sorrows Prayer Card #1

Five Wounds Prayer Card #2

Mt. Carmel Prayer Card #3

St. Joseph Prayer Card #4

St. Michael Prayer Card #5




These meditations on the Way of the Cross, bring back with love, that precious and ancient devotion, almost forgotten by many. Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to not only follow Him, but to understand the immense love He has for us poor sinners. How easy it is for us to look at a Crucifix out of habit, not thinking that it represents the greatest story of Divine Love. Our Savior paid the price that we could never pay… This new approach to the Way of the Cross is unique and gives the reader a versatile way to meditate and contemplate the sufferings of Jesus, whether we are in Church, in front of the Stations, or at Adoration.  This book makes it very convenient to meditate on one station at a time each day.  For those who are home bound, this is an excellent way to make the Stations at home! As we go from station to station with Him, Our Sorrowful Mother is faithfully at our side helping us to follow Her Divine Son with love and gratitude. May Our Lord Jesus Christ, through these meditations, give us the grace to enter more deeply into the mystery of His Cross

St Jerome once said, “Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”                                                                            

This book is perfect for those who feel a tugging at their heart to read the Bible more often or even everyday, and have never been able to do so.  These meditations offer you a way to begin. After this month (31 days), your heart may be ready to continue reading and growing with the Bible. This book is a beautiful gift from Jesus.  He’s calling His children to know Him better and appreciate the great suffering He endured for our salvation.  He did this out of infinite love for us and as we spend time meditating on these great mysteries, we grow closer to Him.

This book is a conversation between the writer and Mary. It will take you deep into her heart and mind, and you will discover how she experienced the various gospel events. Discover how she silently suffered along with her son.